Johann Dreo1

Expert Research Engineer in Artificial Intelligence Algorithmics for Decision Support Systems, at Institut Pasteur.


Scientific interests: optimization, search heuristics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, algorithm design and engineering, graph mining, data mining, reproducibility, systems biomedicine.

I'm currently2 working on:

  1. integration of AI with decision support systems,
  2. statistical analysis of omics data against cancer,
  3. automated design/configuration (of bioinformatics pipelines) with search heuristics.

Wants to know more? See my professional page at Institut Pasteur.

Prominent achievements:

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Some Free softwares I'm proud of:

See more on my , and personal Github.

Ten noteworthy scientific articles

As seen by me2.

Fundamental Research:

Innovation Research:

Applied Research:

See also all my publications.


  • 1: My family name may sometime be written with an accent: Johann Dréo. It is, in any case, pronounced with an accent.
  • 2: Updated on 2023-04-28.
Images credits: icons by Jaime Serra, Kirby Wu, Jae Deasigner, Diego Naive, — CC-BY; pictures by Tschaeck, nojhan — CC-BY-SA.